
NAVIGATOR-D stands for "Intelligent spaces with advanced NAVIGATion and environmental interpretation fOR People with Dependency". It is a research project funded by Spain's Ministry of Science and Innovation, in the call «KNOWLEDGE GENERATION PROJECTS» 2023, with reference PID2023-148310OB-I00.

With NAVIGATOR-D we present a multi-disciplinary project and cross-border research, where the main research objective consists in the development of novel AI and computer vision based robotic solutions to improve the assistance and safety of dependent persons.

The general objective of this project is oriented toward the search for functionalities based on AI to improve the assistance and safety of dependent persons, regardless of the complexity of the scenario. We focus especially on large-scale, complex, and dynamic environments, such as hospitals and nursing homes, where the target group often spends a large part of their time. To meet this general objective, NAVIGATOR-D will address the development of a system based on a collaborative framework. The research will be supported by two main lines of work: advanced navigation and tracking people’s activity oriented to assistance and incident detection.

NAVIGATOR-D main outcomes are:

  1. The development of advanced robust navigation solutions to efficiently interact both in complex environments as well as with users.
  2. Develop novel person re-identification (ReID) modules for detection of critical situations during the navigation of the robotic platforms.
  3. Autonomous platforms to navigate indoors, in a hopsital for instance, just with a simple order indicating where to go. The accompaining robot will guide the user to the place she/he wants to go.


Live Video Captioning

E. Blanco-Fernández, C. Gutiérrez-Álvarez, N. Nasri, S. Maldonado-Bascón, R. J. López-Sastre.

ArXiv preprint. PDF

Realistic Continual Learning Approach using Pre-trained Models

N. Nasri, C. Gutiérrez-Álvarez, S. Lafuente-Arroyo, S. Maldonado-Bascón, R. J. López-Sastre.

ArXiv preprint. PDF

Visual Semantic Navigation with Real Robots

C. Gutiérrez-Álvarez, P. Ríos-Navarro, R. Flor-Rodríguez, F. J. Acevedo-Rodríguez, R. J. López-Sastre.

Applied Intelligence, 2025. PDF Code Video

Data, Software and Results




GRAM Reseach Group

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